OT: Tupac - 10 Years after his Death


And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
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Sept. 12, 2006, 5:30PM
Tupac Shakur remembered ten years after his death

Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle
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-->Tupac Amaru Shakur has been called a poet and a thug. He was neither and both of those things, an artist who struggled to find his voice and tenuous place in the world. Most rappers who rhyme about guns and sex don't turn around and spin beautiful pieces celebrating the importance of mothers as Tupac did.

Tupac was shot in Las Vegas on Sept. 7, 1996; he died 10 years ago today.
His death at 25 guaranteed a life for his legend that shows no sign of burning out.
"There might have been better rappers, but no rapper has had the influence on the game that Tupac has had," said J-Mac of the Madd Hatta Morning Show. The KBXX music director compared the rapper to Elvis or Kurt Cobain.
Ten years later, we continue to dissect Tupac's music. We debate his legacy. We wonder what kind of music he would have produced had his life not been cut short. His murder, still unsolved, continues to prompt questions: Who shot him? Why? Did rap culture contribute to his death? A few conspirasts still float the theory that Tupac is still alive.
He is, in a sense. Five posthumous CDs have been released. Statues in Las Vegas and Atlanta bear his likeness. A creative arts center bears his name. His iconic moniker comes up during most discussions about hip-hop, from impromptu street conversations to heated debates on the radio.
"Just as he accomplished so much in his 25 years, we who are left here have to work hard and stay focused to continue with his legacy and what he wanted," said Celina Nixon, artistic director at the Tupac Amaru Shakur Center for the Arts in suburban Atlanta. "He wasn't rapping, he was speaking. He was giving speeches about human nature."
Such grandiose comments are common. We've romanticized him, elevated him to martyr while we talk about his "poetry."
At the arts center in Atlanta, Nixon said the goal is to teach people about the "real" Tupac Shakur. He was not, she said, a violent thug.
He was a complex artist.
That's the message she tries to instill in the 12- to 18-year-olds who attend sessions at the center. These sessions are held once every season, and applications are taken for 45 slots. The students form a creative troupe that performs at various Atlanta-area events. The students read poetry, act in skits, sing and dance.
At the center, there's a statue of Tupac in the garden and his pictures are on the walls, Nixon said. And the rapper's poems often are used by the youngsters as discussion points when brainstorming for upcoming performances.
"A lot of our students come in only knowing the Tupac the media has put out there," Nixon said. "So we expose them to the other side: that Tupac started at the Baltimore school of the arts; had he not learned about (William) Shakespeare, had he not known about classical music and other topics that may not be considered 'cool,' he may not have been the artist that he turned out to be. That's what we teach."
Nixon said the programming is balanced and honest. Tupac the sinner isn't glossed over for Tupac the saint. That's why the center targets teenagers: They're at an age where they can handle mature topics.
"You can't get around that," Nixon said. "The media is going to say and do what brings attention to (that part of) the story. ... But they do tend to leave out the positive aspects of Tupac and other rap artists. This was Tupac's vision to have a center like this."
The center has hosted visitors from all over the world. The next goal, Nixon said, is to add classroom space and a minitheater for screening films.
It provides a more grounded counterpart to the mystique of Tupac's death, which has inspired movies, conspiracy theories, investigations, documentaries and Web sites. They have, so far, proved nothing, other than a key suspect, who also is now dead.
The anniversary of Tupac's death falls between the release of two unrelated movies: Hollywoodland and The Black Dahlia. Both, at their core, concern deaths that were surrounded by as many questions as answers.
We don't know who pulled the trigger as Tupac sat in a car on the busy Las Vegas Strip on Friday, Sept. 7, 1996. His art may never escape the shadow of the mystery.
Chronicle reporter Lana Berkowitz contributed to this story
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New member
Sep 10, 2006
I think it is sad that they would think of Tupac that way. He was one of my most favourites rappers of all time. I was so sad when I heard the news that he died.

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
And yet no one knows a thing about the last Incan king Tupac Amaru the revolutionary Tupac Amaru or even the terrorist group in Peru named after him........what a sad culture we have inherited

Life is short, play hard!
Nov 20, 2004
He was an amazing brave young man. He's overcoming actitute is an example for millions of youngsters around the globe.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Oh god!! not another Tupac tribute. I feel sad for his mother who lost a son but lets give it a fucking rest.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
The Raiders offensive cordinator. His '94 brand of football will be remembered. Unfortunately.
Sep 21, 2004
DickyW said:
Oh god!! not another Tupac tribute. I feel sad for his mother who lost a son but lets give it a fucking rest.

Now, now Dicky, you don't want 50% of your posts censored with that type of insensitivity. My daughter brought one of his cd's home, I gave it to my Bullmastiff. Younger generation deal. I just thought there could be better influences in her life. He seemed to be a good actor. Lot of people looked the other way when he got whacked.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

She's either funnin' or bunnin' or else I'm runnin
Jan 11, 2005
doesn't he come out with a new disc every few years?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i don't want my post to turn into a east coast/west cost thang. Tupac was an above average song writer and an above average musician who's influence is vastly over rated imo

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
DickyW said:
i don't want my post to turn into a east coast/west cost thang. Tupac was an above average song writer and an above average musician who's influence is vastly over rated imo
That is what I think also. I really find it difficult to put him in the 10 best ever.
Sep 21, 2004
He does seem to have a long shelf like that keeps renewing. He died young under tragic mysterious circumstances, living the thug life. They ratpacked some gangbanger in a hotel lobby. I think that is where celebrity life entered reality. Answer me this, would he be more or less popular if were still alive today?

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I love 2pac, but for all the shit as he was talking, if he didn't get shot on Sept. 7th, it would've happened another night.

To answer your question OF: If he didn't get so wrapped up in the east/west game(among many other things), I think he would've been more popular. Anyone who says he's not among the best hasn't listened to anything but the songs they've heard on the radio or they aren't really capturing the emotion and power of the lyrics. He had many great songs that carry more emotion than any of the prepackaged crap today. He was a gifted artist and an up-and-coming actor. In my opinion, 2pac had a ton more talent than Wil Smith- both got involved in the industry as young musicians who got into acting. While Smith sang about "Summertimes" and all the happy things in the world, 2pac sang about real shit. Life, friends, and feelings. He then got involved with the wrong things/people(Suge Knight) and that led to an inevitable death. I think 2pac could have been 100x bigger than he is now.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Grand Master I agree. Loved his music and even his 'Tude. But it was bound to happen. He could well have won an oscor given the time. Great talent.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Tupac Shakur was photographed by the New York State Department of Correctional Services in March 1995. The rap star, convicted in December 1994 of the felony sexual abuse of a female fan, spent a few months upstate before being bailed out by producer Suge Knight. Shakur, who was sentenced to 1-1/2-to-4-1/2 years in the can, was murdered in September 1996.

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New member
Aug 21, 2006
DickyW said:
Oh god!! not another Tupac tribute. I feel sad for his mother who lost a son but lets give it a fucking rest.

Yep i agree if i never see another new released tupac video or album i will die happy. RIP Tupak:nopityA: :cryingcry

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
Dude Tupac is not dead ask any brother he is just hiding from the man. Love Live TUPUKE
Sep 21, 2004
The East West thing was all conspiracy. Tupac and crew got jacked by some CRIPS in LA. They took everything, punked them and left. Tupac was there. So that night they saw one of the CRIPS alone in a hotel lobby and the entire crew started beating his ass senseless. A few hours later, bam, bam, bam. Most reluctant witnesses said a car full of young african american males, blue raggin. Now who could have that been. Tupac had alot going for him, like you said. But these crips that he tangled with had no such aspirations. Code of the street, Tupac or not, you are dead. In fact the hotel lobby jumping had more witnesses than the shooting, and all said Tupac was the front man for the crew and the point man on the attack. He won the fight but lost the war. Getting thug tattoed on your belly does not make you bulletproof. Nor does it give you a pass to jump real gangbangers that don't need tattoos to be tough, they just kill people.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Tupac is NOT dead.

He took a dump in the stall next to me at the Quickie Mart after we shared a gas station burrito and a 40.

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